When you restore a database on a different SQL Server, all SQL users become a "orphaned user" because the SQL logins have a different SID then on the source server.
In SQL Server 2005 you can fix this orphaned user with the stored procedure "sys.sp_change_users_login", but since version 2008 this SP is deprecated.
This Transact-SQL statement also links orphaned user to existing principals with same name.
In regard of security this script don't add a new principal if none with same name was found; as the SP with option AUTO_FIX do.
Works with SQL Server 2005 and higher versions in all editions.
Requires ALTER ANY USER permissions.
sys.sp_change_users_login: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174378.aspx
ALTER USER: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms176060.aspx
In SQL Server 2005 you can fix this orphaned user with the stored procedure "sys.sp_change_users_login", but since version 2008 this SP is deprecated.
This Transact-SQL statement also links orphaned user to existing principals with same name.
In regard of security this script don't add a new principal if none with same name was found; as the SP with option AUTO_FIX do.
Works with SQL Server 2005 and higher versions in all editions.
Requires ALTER ANY USER permissions.
sys.sp_change_users_login: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174378.aspx
ALTER USER: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms176060.aspx
Skript bearbeiten|Remove
-- Secure Orphaned User AutoFix DECLARE @autoFix bit; SET @autoFix = 'FALSE'; -- FALSE = Report only those user who could be auto fixed. -- TRUE = Report and fix !!! DECLARE @user sysname, @principal sysname, @sql nvarchar(500), @found int, @fixed int; DECLARE orphans CURSOR LOCAL FOR SELECT QUOTENAME(SU.[name]) AS UserName ,QUOTENAME(SP.[name]) AS PrincipalName FROM sys.sysusers AS SU LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals AS SP ON SU.[name] = SP.[name] AND SP.[type] = 'S' WHERE SU.issqluser = 1 -- Only SQL logins AND NOT SU.[sid] IS NULL -- Exclude system user AND SU.[sid] <> 0x0 -- Exclude guest account AND LEN(SU.[sid]) <= 16 -- Exclude Windows accounts & roles AND SUSER_SNAME(SU.[sid]) IS NULL -- Login for SID is null ORDER BY SU.[name]; SET @found = 0; SET @fixed = 0; OPEN orphans; FETCH NEXT FROM orphans INTO @user, @principal; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @principal IS NULL PRINT N'Orphan: ' + @user; ELSE BEGIN PRINT N'Orphan: ' + @user + N' => Autofix possible, principal with same name found!'; IF @autoFix = 'TRUE' BEGIN -- Build the DDL statement dynamically. SET @sql = N'ALTER USER ' + @user + N' WITH LOGIN = ' + @principal + N';'; EXEC sp_executesql @sql; PRINT N' ' + @user + N' is auto fixed.'; SET @fixed = @fixed + 1; END END SET @found = @found + 1; FETCH NEXT FROM orphans INTO @user, @principal; END; CLOSE orphans; DEALLOCATE orphans; PRINT ''; PRINT CONVERT(nvarchar(15), @found) + N' orphan(s) found, ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(15), @fixed) + N' orphan(s) fixed.';